Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Sister Fun!

So what do you get when you are trying to paint a 2 year olds nails?  Well you could get a lot of things, but in Hope's case, it ends op on your eyelid and forehead.  How? I had just finished painting all of her nails and instantly her hand goes up to her face, putting finger nail polish on her eyelid.  So I fixed her nails and tell her not to touch her face. What does she do? Touches her face.......ofcourse. So I fixed her nails again.  Then I look at her nails a few seconds later and the pointer finger on her right hand has little to no finger nail polish. This time......I just left it.

1 comment:

  1. That is hilarious! Glad to know that Hope and Ellie do a lot of the same things...
