Thursday, March 1, 2012

I'm Ruined

According to Hope. We were just sitting there at the island, and Hope found stickers. At the beginning she just handed me one, and I put it on my hand, I then got another one and put it on my other hand.  About a minute later Hope put one on my face, and then another, and another, and another, until the whole sticker sheet was empty.  Half way through though, she starts giggling as she is in the process of putting another one on and says' "You're ruined."  Personally, I think a face covered in smiley face stickers is the best! I don't know what she was thinking. I love my sister! <3

Girl Stuff

Being sleep deprived from choir tour, just wasn't enough, I went and had a late night with my friend Kayli Saturday night until around 11:30.  It was really fun! We went to Smith's and got Cookie Dough ice cream, and a packet of face mud.  So when we got back we ate our ice cream, because sugar is such a great thing to have at night.  We then went to the bathroom and gave ourselves facials.  After which, we painted our nails. I painted mine hot pink with sparkles! I had a blast!

Choir Tour!

For choir tour this year we were able to go to many different colleges, from Snow, all the way to down to a college in St. George.  We left at 8:15 Thursday ( February 23rd) morning, and got back Friday ( February 24th) night around 11:00 p.m.  It was a really great learning experience, and I learned new things from every different professor that we talked to.  However, I was so glad to be back home and sleep in Saturday morning.