Sunday, February 16, 2014

Said No Printer Ever

Today I had the wonderful opportunity to give a talk in my stakes youth meeting the morning of stake conference.  I had my talk all typed up and ready to go by Thursday.  Well, except for the printing part. That part I decided to save until the morning of.  Probably not the brightest idea that I have had, but I guess you could say that it wasn't the dullest idea either.  I got up, got ready and went to go print my talk.  Everything was going smoothly.  No panic in me whatsoever.  Until...I discovered the printer was not working.  So there I sat, going from computer to computer trying to get this talk to print and on every computer I got the notification that the printer was not connected.  I called my dad (Dad to the Rescue!) and he rushed home from the church (he was setting up the video for stake conference) to help me.  Only dilemma, he could not get it to work either.  7:57 came, 7:58, 7:59, 8:00, 8:01, and 8:02.  Still no talk.  Fine! You win printer! You win! Now two minutes late, I grabbed my phone (I had emailed my talk to myself), my keys, my wallet, and rushed out the door.  Let's just say, I was probably not the safest driver at that time...sorry. I entered the church parking lot, parked, in what was a pretty decent parking job for being in a hurry, jumped out of my car, and ran (in five inch heels might I add) through the church doors, and down the hallway (yet again, sorry for that) and speed walked up to the stand as the first speaker (which was probably supposed to be me) was beginning his talk.  I was ten minutes late. Talk about embarrassment.  But hey, I had a good joke to tell at the beginning of my talk now.  Would you like to hear what it was? Indeed you would, I said:  "Do not wait to print your talk of until the last minute, because your printer probably won't work."  Everyone laughed, so I think I did a pretty good job with that one.

Anyways, despite that whole dilemma, I think my talk went pretty good.  People told me that I did a great job throughout the day and they told my parents that I did a great job, so I think I pulled it off.  I also lead people to believe that I was calm.  A sister that I served with when I was a Stake YCL (Youth Camp Leader) told me that I was so calm up there.  She said, and I quote: "You were like, oh ya, I don't have my talk, but it's all good."  I was pretty proud of myself for making seem like I was not freaking out.  Let's just say that I am glad that experience is over with.

"Oh you need to print a talk for a youth stake meeting in twenty
minutes, let me just cooperate with you then"
~No Printer Ever

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